Measurement and Instrumentation Quiz | Measurement and Instrumentation Online Test for Practice

Here is the list of Measurement and Instrumentation quiz questions and answers available online test and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Measurement and Instrumentation Questions with Answers

31. In order to achieve high accuracy, the slide wire of a potentiometer should be

32. In Weston synchronoscope the moving coil is connected across

33. Induction type single phase energy meters measure electric energy in

34. Instrument transformers are

35. is an instrument which measures the insulation resistance of an electric circuit relative to earth and one another

36. It is required to measure the true open circuit e.m.f. of a battery. The best device is

37. Most common form of A.C. meters met with in every day domestic and industrial installations are

38. Most sensitive galvanometer is

39. Murray loop test can be used for location of

40. Operating torques in analogue instruments are

41. Resistances can be measured with the help of

42. Standard resistor is made from

43. Systematic errors are

44. The adjustment of position of shading bands, in an energy meter is done to provide

45. The chemical effect of current is used in


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