Dive into the wonders of the Physical World MCQs of Class 11 with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers. Whether you're a student embarking on a journey through the laws of physics, an enthusiast exploring the mysteries of the universe, or simply curious about the fundamental principles governing matter and energy, our meticulously curated selection covers a wide range of topics. Explore fundamental concepts such as motion, forces, energy, and the nature of matter. With our user-friendly interface and detailed explanations, mastering the complexities of the physical world has never been more engaging and accessible. Start your journey towards understanding the foundations of science and the universe today!
1. The word Science originates from the Latin verb Scientia meaning
2. Atomic and molecular phenomena are dealt with by
3. Wave picture of light failed to explain.
4. Heliocentric theory proposed by Nicolas Copernicus was
5. Just as a new experiment may suggest an alternative theoretical model, a theoretical advance may suggest what to look for in some for in some experiments. Which of the following experiments can be considered to support this claim?
6. The scientific method is
7. A scientific theory
8. Which of the following is a possible first step in applying the scientific method
9. Which of the following is a possible final step in applying the scientific method
10. Physics is a
11. Newtonian mechanics could not explain
12. Macroscopic domain includes
13. The man who is known as the father of Experimental physics is.
14. The person who has been awarded the father of physics of 20th century is
15. Science is exploring ...x.... and....y....from what we see around us. Here x and y refer to
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