Operations Research MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Operations Research MCQs questions answers

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MCQ quiz on Operations Research multiple choice questions and answers on Operations Research MCQ questions on Operations Research objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

Operations Research Questions with Answers

1. Operations Research (OR), which is a very powerful tool for

2. Who coined the term Operations Research?

3. An objective function which states the determinants of the quantity to be either maximized or minimized is called

4. .........................is another method to solve a given LPP involving some artificial variable ?

5. .........................which is a subclass of a linear programming problem (LPP)

6. .................assumption means the prior knowledge of all the coefficients in the objective function, the coefficients of the constraints and the resource values.

7. ................are the representation of reality

8. ................models are obtained by enlarging or reducing the size of the item

9. ...............are called mathematical models

10. ...............models assumes that the values of the variables do not change with time during a particular period

11. ...............models involves the allocation of resources to activities in such a manner that some measure of effectiveness is optimized.

12. ..............are expressed is n the form of inequities or equations

13. .............may be defined as a method of determining an optimum programme inter dependent activities in view of available resources

14. .............refers to the combination of one or more inputs to produce a particular output.

15. ............is one of the fundamental combinatorial optimization problems.

16. A basic solution which also satisfies the condition in which all basic variables are non.negative is called

17. A BFS of a LPP is said to be...............if at least one of the basic variable is zero

18. A feasible solution is called a basic feasible solution if the number of non.negative allocations is equal to

19. A given TP is said to be unbalanced, if the total supply is not equal to the total

20. A minimization problem can be converted into a maximization problem by changing the sign of coefficients in the

21. A non – degenerate basic feasible solution is the basic feasible solution which has exactly m positive Xi (i=1,2,…,m), i.e., none of the basic variable is

22. A path formed by allowing horizontal and vertical lines and the entire corner cells of which are occupied is called a

23. A set of values X1, X2,…Xn which satisfies the constraints of the LPP is called

24. A solution may be extracted from a model either by

25. A...................models considers time as one of the important variable

26. A........has rows / column having non. basic cells for holding compensating (+) or (.) sign.

27. According to transportation problem number of basic cells will be exactly

28. After determining every basic cell with in this cycle, adjustment is obtained as minimum value in basic cells . this is known as

29. All the constraints are expressed as equations and the right hand side of each constraint and all variables are non.negative is called

30. All the parameters in the linear programming model are assumed to be

31. Allocation Models are

32. Allocation problems can be solved by

33. An assumption that implies that finite numbers of choices are available to a decision – maker and the decision variables do not assume negative values is known as

34. An objective function is maximized when it is a..........function

35. An optimal solution is the..........stage of a solution obtained by improving the initial solution

36. An optimization model

37. An optimum solution is considered the.............among feasible solutions.

38. Any column or raw of a simplex table is called a

39. Any feasible solution to a transportation problem containing m origins and n destinations is said to be

40. Any feasible solution which optimizes (minimizes or maximizes) the objective function of the LPP is called its

41. Any set of non.negative allocations (Xij>0) which satisfies the raw and column sum (rim requirement )is called a

42. Any solution to a LPP which satisfies the non. negativity restrictions of the LPP is called its

43. As for maximization in assignment problem, the objective is to maximize the

44. Assignment problem helps to find a maximum weight identical in nature in a weighted

45. Basic cells indicate positive values and non. basic cells have..........value for flow

46. Before starting to solve the problem, it should be balanced. If not then make it balanced by..........column incase demand is less than supply or by adding.........................raw incase supply is less than the demand

47. Currently, LPP is used in solving a wide range of practical

48. Decision variables are

49. Dual of the dual is

50. Every LPP is associated with another LPP is called


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