Operations Research MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers Page 2

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Operations Research Questions with Answers

51. For analyzing the problem, decision – makers should normally study

52. For maximization in TP, the objective is to maximize the total

53. For solving an assignment problem, which method is used?

54. Graphic method can be applied to solve a LPP when there are only............variable

55. How many methods are there to solve LPP?

56. If demand is lesser than supply then dummy demand node is added to make it a

57. If in a LPP, the solution of a variable can be made infinity large without violating the constrai the solution is..................nts

58. If the feasible region of a LPP is empty, the solution is

59. If the total supply is less than the total demand, a dummy source (row) is included in the cost matrix with

60. If there are m original variables and n introduced variables, then there will be............columns in the simplex table

61. If there are more than one optimum solution for the decision variable the solution is

62. In a manufacturing process, who takes the decisions as to what quantities and which process or processes are to be used so tha the cost is minimum and profit is maximum?

63. In a TP if the number of non.negative independent allocation is.........................than m+n.1.

64. In LPP, degeneracy occurs in...............stages

65. In maximization cases,............are assigned to the artificial variables as their coefficients in the objective function

66. In simplex algorithm, which method is used to deal with the situation where an infeasible starting basic solution is given?

67. In simplex method, if there is tie between a decision variable and a slack (or surplus) variable,................should be selected

68. In simplex method, we add...............variables in the case of =

69. In which phase is optimization done and how does that phase also checks for optimality conditions?

70. In.................models there is risk and uncertainty

71. In..........models, everything is defined and the results are certain,

72. In.........models one set of properties is used to represent another set of properties

73. It is not easy to make any modification or improvement in

74. Key concept under which technique are network of events and activities, resource allocation, time and cost considerations, network paths and critical paths ?

75. Linear programming has been successfully applied in

76. Linear Programming technique is used to allocate scarce resources in an optimum manner in problems of

77. LP can be applied in farm management problems is relates to the allocation of resources such as..............., in such a way that is maximizes net revenue

78. LP is a major innovation since.........................in the field of business decision – making, particularlyunder conditions of certainty.

79. LP model is based on the assumptions of

80. LPP is exactly used in solving what kind of resource allocation problems?

81. MODI method is used to obtain

82. Once the initial basic feasible solution has been computed, what is the next step in the problem

83. One can find the initial basic feasible solution by using..............?

84. Operations Research approach is

85. Operations Research approach is typically based on the use of

86. Operations Research attempts to find the best and............solution to a problem

87. Operations Research cannot give perfect.................to problems

88. Operations Research emphasizes on the overall approach to the system. This charecteristics of Operations Research is often referred as

89. Operations Research has the characteristics the it is done by a team of

90. Operations Research involves..................attack of complex problems to arrive at the optimum solution

91. Operations Research is a

92. Operations Research simply helps in improving the.............of the solution but does not result in a perfect solution.

93. Operations Research study generally involves how many phases ?

94. Operations Research techniques helps the directing authority in optimum allocation of various limited resources, such as

95. Operations Research uses models built by quantitative measurement of the variables c a given problem and also derives a solution from the model using............of the diversified solution techniques oncerning

96. Operations Research uses models to help the management to determine its scientifically

97. Operations Research was known as an ability to win a war without really going in to a

98. Optimal solution is a feasible solution (not necessarily basic) which minimizes the

99. Optimality conditions are expressed as............incase all non.basic cells?

100. Please state which statement is incorrect. (i) Linear programming was first formulated by an English economist L.V. Kantorovich (ii) LP is generally used in solving maximization or minimization problems subject to certain assumptions.


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