Unix MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Unix MCQs questions answers

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MCQ quiz on Unix multiple choice questions and answers on unix operating system MCQ questions on unix objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

Unix Questions with Answers

1. Unix OS was first developed by

2. Unix OS was first developed at

3. .mailrc is the file

4. A shell variable cannot start with

5. A Sticky bit applies to a file would mean that

6. After typing the contents of file test created by you by giving the command cat>test you save the contents by

7. After you have entered text in your file, to save and quit vi you will use

8. All user directories are usually placed in..................directory.

9. An until loop ensures that the statement within the loop get executed

10. Binary executable required for system administration is usually placed in................directory.

11. Each entry in inode table is of size

12. For a person to receive messages he should have his terminal set to a parameter which will allow him receive messages.The command to set this parameter is

13. Hierarchy decides which operator

14. If the user has read a news item he cannot read it again because of creation of the file

15. If there are three links for a file then the number of copies of the file would be

16. In vi editor, forward search is performed using the command.

17. On executing a statement set -3+1

18. On executing the command Shift $v

19. Shell Program is stored in a file called

20. The break statement is used to exit from

21. The command cal j 1997 would give the output as

22. The command head f1 would display

23. The command is used to compare the files is known as

24. The command pwd gives

25. The command that unix offers to a user to find out whether he can send messages to a particular terminal are

26. The command which transcribes the standard input to the standard output and also makes a copy of the same in a file is

27. The cp command uses

28. The default value of Umask is

29. The difference between the commands ps –e and ps –a is

30. The escape sequence 33[4m is used to

31. The expression expr -2 % 7 evaluates to

32. The expression expr -7 % 2evaluates to

33. The father of all processes is

34. The file for which we do not have write permission can be deleted using the command

35. The incoming mail of user with the login name aa12 is stored in the file

36. The message of the day is stored in a file called

37. The minimum number of links for any directory file are

38. The output of command banner Unix shell programming would be

39. The permission 746 can be represented as

40. The process id numbers of the processes vhand,bdflush,sched and init are

41. The program contained in boot block, that loads kernel into memory is called

42. The second set of the three permissions (r-) indicates that

43. The shell metacharacter $# represents

44. The size of any block in the unix file system is

45. The state of the file system is contained in

46. To ascertain what are the contents of the file in your the system the best way would be

47. To change the access time of a file to 12:40 PM on 26th Jan 1997 the command would be

48. To find the block size on your file system the command is

49. To read the stale news the option available is

50. To see the last access time of various files in a file system the command is


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Unix

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