Operations Research Quiz | Operations Research Online Test for Practice

Here is the list of Operations Research quiz questions and answers available online test and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Operations Research Questions with Answers

31. Allocation Models are

32. Allocation problems can be solved by

33. An assumption that implies that finite numbers of choices are available to a decision – maker and the decision variables do not assume negative values is known as

34. An objective function is maximized when it is a..........function

35. An optimal solution is the..........stage of a solution obtained by improving the initial solution

36. An optimization model

37. An optimum solution is considered the.............among feasible solutions.

38. Any column or raw of a simplex table is called a

39. Any feasible solution to a transportation problem containing m origins and n destinations is said to be

40. Any feasible solution which optimizes (minimizes or maximizes) the objective function of the LPP is called its

41. Any set of non.negative allocations (Xij>0) which satisfies the raw and column sum (rim requirement )is called a

42. Any solution to a LPP which satisfies the non. negativity restrictions of the LPP is called its

43. As for maximization in assignment problem, the objective is to maximize the

44. Assignment problem helps to find a maximum weight identical in nature in a weighted

45. Basic cells indicate positive values and non. basic cells have..........value for flow


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