Disaster Management Questions and Answers in Quiz Form 13 for Practice

Here is the list of Disaster Management multiple choice questions and answers in quiz form and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Disaster Management Questions with Answers

181. Which of the following is associated with a La Nina event?

182. A flash flood is a flood that

183. Which of the following is not an epidemic

184. A flood can vary in:

185. Which of the following is related to acid rain?

186. A hazard is a situation where there is

187. Which of the following is true? Flood warnings:

188. A hazard:

189. Which of the following is used to estimate which areas will be inundated during aflood, based on river height information?

190. A pneumonic plague which occurred in Surat, Gujrat in 1994 is:

191. Which of the following leads to earthquakes:

192. A point on the surface of the earth vertically above the focus is known as

193. Which of the following potentially affects the size of a flood?

194. A series of earthquakes shook the Central American Nation Of Nicarague and killed many people in the year?

195. Which of the following statements is false?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Disaster Management

Disaster Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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