16. In a potentiometer of 10 wires, the balance point is obtained on the 7th wire. To shift the balance point to 9th wire, we should
17. In a Wheatstone bridge if the battery and galvanometer are interchanged then the deflection in galvanometer will
18. In a Wheatstone‘s bridge all the four arms have equal resistance R. If the resistance of the galvanometer arm is also R, the equivalent resistance of the combination as seen by the battery is
19. In an experiment with potentiometer, null point with a cell is found at 240 cm. When the cell is shunted with a resistance 2 Ω, the null point becomes 120 cm internal resistance of cell is :
20. In an experiment with potentiometer, null point with a cell is found at 240 cm. When the cell is shunted with a resistance 2 Ω, the null point becomes 120 cm internal resistance of cell is :
21. In parallel combination of n cells, we obtain
22. Kirchhoffs first and second laws for electrical circuits are consequences of:
23. Kirchoff‘s first and second laws in the electricity are the laws respectively of
24. Siemen is the unit of:
25. Suppose H1 is the heat generated per second in the filament of a 100 W, 250 V lamp and H2 is the heat generated in the filament of a 200 W, 250 V lamp. Then H1/H2 is equal to:
26. The charge flowing in a conductor varies with time as: q = αt +1/2 βt2 + 16 γt
27. The drift velocity does not depend upon
28. The electric resistance of a certain wire of iron is R. If its length and radius are both doubled, then
29. The example of a non-ohmic resistance is:
30. The internal resistance of a cell of emf 12 V is 5 x 10-2C Ω. It is connected across an unknown resistance. Voltage across the cell, when a current of 60 A is drawn from it, is
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