Accounting Standards (IFRS, GAAP) MCQ Questions Answers
1. What does IFRS stand for?
2. What is the role of the IASB in the convergence project?
3. What is the role of the FASB in the convergence project?
4. What is the impact of IFRS adoption on companies?
5. What is the impact of IFRS adoption on investors?
6. What is the role of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in relation to accounting standards in India?
7. What is the Ind AS?
8. How do Ind AS relate to IFRS?
9. What is the objective of Ind AS?
10. What is the impact of Ind AS adoption on Indian companies?
11. What is the importance of accounting standards for investors?
12. What does GAAP stand for?
13. What is the importance of accounting standards for creditors?
14. What is the importance of accounting standards for regulators?
15. What are the key principles of IFRS?
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