Life Process MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

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MCQ quiz on Life Process multiple choice questions and answers on Life Process MCQ questions on Life Process objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

Life Process Questions with Answers

1. ...............are the vessels which carryblood away from the heart to various organs of the body

2. ............takes in food using temporary finger-like extensions of the cell surface

3. Alternate contraction and relaxation of the alimentary canal is called

4. Amphibians or many reptiles have....................chambered hearts

5. ATP can be used in the cells for the

6. Blood pressure is measured with an instrument called

7. Breaking down of glucose in the presence of oxygen produces

8. Carbon and energy requirements of the autotrophic organism are fulfilled by

9. Chlorophyll is contained in

10. Conversion of large fat droplets into smaller droplets are

11. Digestion is extracellular in

12. Each kidney has large numbers of filtration units called

13. Example(s) of some organisms which derive nutrition from plants or animals without killing them

14. Examples of some organism(s) break-down the food material outside the body and then absorb it

15. Following are autotrophs

16. Following has shorter small intestine

17. Following has to be transported by the blood

18. Following is (are) true about heart

19. Following is true

20. Following is true about lungs

21. Following is true for heterotrophs

22. Following is true for plants

23. Following is true for tissue fluid or lymph

24. Following used in photosynthesis is taken up from the soil by the roots in terrestrial plants

25. Gastric glands release ............, a protein digesting enzyme called pepsin, and mucus

26. Glucose is a................carbon molecule

27. Haemoglobin is present in

28. In human beings, the respiratory pigment is

29. Lactic acid is a...............carbon molecule

30. ln order for the blood to flow from right ventricle to left ventricle in mammalian heart, it must flow through

31. Plasma dissolved form

32. Pyruvate is a................carbon molecule

33. The basically a long tube extending from the mouth to the anus

34. The end product of fat digestion is

35. The energy released during the process of respiration is used to make an...................molecule

36. The enzymes present in secrete intestinal juice finally convert the

37. The excretory system of human beings includes

38. The following event(s) occur during photosynthesis

39. The inner lining of the small intestine has numerous finger-like projections called

40. The kidney is associated with the cup-shaped end of a coiled tube called

41. The loss of water in the form of vapour from the aerial parts of the plant is known as

42. The normal systolic pressure is about of Hg and diastolic pressure is of Hg

43. The process of acquiring Oxygen from outside the body and to use it in the process of breakdown of food sources for cellular needs is called

44. The process of breaking molecules in the absence of oxygen is called

45. The processes which together perform the maintenance job are

46. The transport of soluble products of photosynthesis is called

47. The waste products removed from the body and discarded by a process is called

48. Tiny pores present on the surface of the leaves are known as

49. What is utilised for providing energy to the plant

50. Which of the following is an example of anabolic process


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Life Process

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