MCQ quiz on Tissue multiple choice questions and answers on Tissue MCQ questions quiz on Tissue objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. Muscles responsible for movement of food in stomach are
2. Nervous tissues are found in
3. Parenchyma is a type of
4. Parenchyma: Simple::Phloem: ...................
5. Phloem in the plants perform the function of
6. Plant length is increased by
7. Smooth muscles occur in
8. Sprain is caused by excessive pulling of
9. Striated muscle is also called
10. Tendon is a structure which connects
11. Tendons and ligaments are
12. Tendons connect
13. The cell division is restricted to
14. The end of a long bone is connected to another bone by
15. Tissue that forms a complete communication system and performs function of information transmission is
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