Invertebrates MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Invertebrates MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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MCQ quiz on Invertebrates multiple choice questions and answers on invertebrates MCQ questions quiz on invertebrates objectives questions with answer test pdf.

Invertebrates Questions with Answers

1. Which cells in a sponge are primarily responsible for trapping and removing food particles from circulating water?

2. Which of the following is correctly associated with sponges?

3. A sponges structural materials (spicules, spongin) are manufactured by the

4. Which of these can be observed in the mesohyl of various undisturbed sponges at one time or another?1. amoebocytes2. spicules3. spongin4. zygotes5. choanocytes

5. Which chemical is synthesized by some sponges and acts as an antibiotic?

6. In terms of food capture, which sponge cell is most similar to the cnidocyte of a Cnidarian?

7. A radially symmetrical animal that has two embryonic tissue layers probably belongs to which phylum?

8. Which of the following are characteristics of the phylum Cnidaria?1. a gastrovascular cavity2. a polyp stage3. a medusa stage4. cnidocytes5. a pseudocoelom

9. Which of the following is true of members of the phylum Cnidaria?

10. The members of which class of the phylum Cnidaria occur only as polyps?

11. Which class of the phylum Cnidaria includes?jellies?with rounded (as opposed to box like medusae?)

12. Corals are most closely related to which group?

13. Which characteristic is shared by both cnidarians and flatworms?

14. Generally, members of which flatworm class(es) are nonparasitic?

15. In a small stream, you pick up a rock and observe many small, flattened worms crawling on its undersurface.You decide that they belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes. To which class do they probably belong?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Invertebrates

Invertebrates Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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