MCQ quiz on Bones multiple choice questions and answers on Bones MCQ questions quiz on Bones objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. The inner lining of the bone shaft is called:
2. Long bones enlarge at the ends into:
3. The periosteum is attached to the outside of bone by:
4. Compact bone is made up of:
5. The hyoid bone is the only bone that:
6. The role of the articular cartilage is to:
7. The role of the periosteum is to:
8. Bones serve all of the following functions except:
9. Bones united by fibrous tissue, such as thesutures in the skull, are
10. Which joint contains articular cartilage, a fibrous articular capsule, a joint cavity, and reinforcing ligaments?
11. Which of the following is incorrect?
12. The axial skeleton consists of:
13. ........... is found in the central canal of long bones.
14. The ................... is where longitudinal growth occurs in long bones.
15. Articular cartilage
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