MCQ quiz on The Living World multiple choice questions and answers on The Living World MCQ questions quiz on The Living World biology class xi chapter 1 objectives questions with answer test pdf.
1. Assertion : Study of internal structure is called anatomy.
Reason : It is useful for phylogentic study
2. Assertion : The science of classifiying organisms is called taxonomy.
Reason : Systematics and taxonomy have same meaning.
3. Assertion: The growth in living organisms is from inside.
Reason : Plants grow only upto certain age.
4. Assertion: Species constitute a group of individuals with fundamental similarities.
Reason: Indica, leo, tuberosum represent such group of individuals.
5. Assertion: Consciousness and response to stimuli can be considered as defining property of living organism.
Reason: The external environmental stimuli can be physical, chemical or biological.
6. Assertion: In fungi, vegetative reproduction occurs by fragmentation and budding.
Reason: Asexual reproduction in fungi, occurs through formation of asexual spores.
7. Assertion : Study of biology requires basic knowledge of chemistry and physics.
Reason : Living organisms are made up of atoms and molecules which follow chemical and physical laws.
8. Assertion: Binomial nomenclature is system of providing name with two words.
Reason: Each name consists first of a specific name and second of a generic name.
9. Assertion: A living organism is unexceptionally differentiated from a non living structure in the basis of responsiveness.
Reason: Response to stimuli is a defining property of living organism.
10. Assertion: Classification is necessary to study all living organisms.
Reason: Individuals are grouped into categories in classification.
11. Assertion: Living organisms are self replicating, evolving and self regulating unit.
Reason: These are capable of responding to external stimuli.
12. The process to standardize the naming of living organisms is called nomenclature. Obviously, the nomenclature is only possible when the organism is described correctly and we know to what organism the name is attached to this is identification. The system of providing scientific name with two components is called Binomial Nomenclature. The scientific name ensures that each organism is identified by only one name all across the world. They also ensures that such a name has not been used for any other known organism. Scientific names for plants are provided in ICBN and for animals, in ICZN. Who proposed binomial nomenclature?
13. From the passage in question number 16, Which of the following is an example of binomial scientific name?
14. From the passage in question number 16, In binomial nomenclature, the name of organism consists of
15. From the passage in question number 16, ICBN stands for
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