MCQ quiz on Anemia in pregnancy multiple choice questions and answers on Anemia in pregnancy MCQ questions quiz on Anemia in pregnancy objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. Choose the hemoglobin level in the newborn:
2. Choose the feature that is not characteristic for B12-deficiency anemia:
3. Choose the lowest level of normal hemoglobin in a healthy infant:
4. Choose the most common cause of iron deficiency anemia in early childhood:
5. Choose the most specific indicator in the diagnosis of iron deficient anemia in children
6. Choose the laboratory result that is not characteristic for iron deficiency anemia:
7. Choose the treatment indicated for children with moderate (second degree) iron deficiency anemia:
8. Choose the factor that increase the iron absorption from oral iron supplements:
9. Choose the etiology of the late anemia of premature infant:
10. Select the food from which iron is easily absorbed:
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