MCQ quiz on Human Physiology multiple choice questions and answers on Human Physiology MCQ questions on Human Physiology objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. Combination of heam with O2 is called
2. Adult haemoglobin contains ................ polypeptide chains
3. Average mean corpuscular diameter is ................ µm
4. Commonest anaemia in India is
5. During erythropoiesis haemoglobin first appears in
6. During hypoxia Kidney releases
7. Each gram% of haemoglobin, when fully saturated, can carry ................ ml of O2
8. Each haemoglobin molecules carries ................ number of O2 molecules
9. In RER, ribosomes are located on
10. In Sickle cell anaemia, the defect lies in which polypeptide
11. Increase in RBC count beyond 10 million per cu mm is known as
12. Intrinsic factor is secreted by
13. Largest WBCs in peripheral blood is
14. Smallest blood cell is
15. The process by which WBCs squeeze through pores in capillary wall is
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