MCQ quiz on Anatomy multiple choice questions and answers on Anatomy MCQ questions quiz on Anatomy objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. A muscle which flexes both hip and knee joints is
2. Abnormal lateral curvature of vertebral column is known as
3. All are the contents of spermatic cord EXCEPT
4. All are the contents of supeficial perineal pouch EXCEPT
5. Ansa cervicalis innervates which muscle
6. Average diameter of ureter is
7. Branchial efferent column in pons innervates muscles of
8. Calcitonin is secreted by
9. Cerebellum sends efferent fibres to each of the following EXCEPT
10. Chromosome constitution of secondary oocyte is
11. Commonest position of appendix is
12. Commonest type of inversion of testes is
13. Conjoint tendon is formed by
14. Cornea lacks all EXCEPT
15. Damage to which nerve results in an inability to oppose thumb to the littlefinger?
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