Sense Organs MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Sense Organs MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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MCQ quiz on Sense Organs multiple choice questions and answers on Sense Organs MCQ questions quiz on Sense Organs objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

Sense Organs Questions with Answers

1. .................. are groups of cells inside your mouth that detect the taste of the food you eat.

2. A thin layer of tissue that lines your eyelids and nasal cavity is called

3. Olfaction pertains to your sense of

4. Our eye is our organ for

5. The biggest sense organ of your body is your

6. The innermost layer of cell inside your eye is called the

7. The smallest bones of your body are found in your

8. The visible part of your ear is called

9. You hear sounds through

10. Your sense of touch is also called ................. sense.


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Sense Organs

Sense Organs Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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