MCQ quiz on Nervous System multiple choice questions and answers on Nervous System MCQ questions quiz on Nervous System objectives questions with answer test pdf.
1. Which of the following is associated with the evolution of a central nervous system?
2. What is the neocortex?
3. Which of the following is a neuropeptide that functions as a natural analgesic?
4. Which of the following is an amino acid that operates at inhibitory synapses in the brain?
5. Wakefulness is regulated by the reticular formation, which is present in the
6. Short-term memory information processing usually causes changes in the
7. In a cephalized invertebrate, which system transmits impulses from the anterior ganglion to distal segments?
8. In the vertebrate brain and spinal cord there are several types of glial cells in which system?
9. Cranial nerves originate in the brain. They belong to which system?
10. Which system controls smooth and cardiac muscles of the digestive, cardiovascular, and excretory systems?
11. Which of the following produces hormones that are secreted by the pituitary gland?
12. Which of the following coordinates muscle actions?
13. Which of the following regulates body temperature?
14. Which of the following contains regulatory centers for the respiratory and circulatory systems?
15. Which of the following contains regions that help regulate hunger and thirst?
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