MCQ quiz on Botany multiple choice questions and answers on Botany MCQ questions quiz on Botany objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. Green house effect is related to
2. Green manure plants used by farmers mainly belong to
3. Horticulture is the study that includes
4. In cold places frost damage can be reduced in horticultural crops using these methods except
5. In cutting method of vegetative propagation, cuttings are mainly taken from
6. In hybridization this is not part of the technique used
7. Increasing high skin cancer and high mutation rate are
8. Itai-Itai disease is due to the toxicity of
9. Layering can be done on plants such as
10. Layering can be done on plants such as
11. Lichens indicate pollution by
12. Linnaeus is credited with introducing
13. Main function of biofertilizer is
14. Main function of biofertilizer is
15. Major aerosol pollutant in Jet Plane emission is
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