MCQ quiz on Photosynthesis multiple choice questions and answers on Photosynthesis MCQ questions on Photosynthesis objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. Animals have to eat other things to get their food but plants can make it themselves. Plants are known as
2. During photosynthesis plants take carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil and convert it into
3. Even though plants only photosynthesise when it is light, on the whole, they are still net producers of
4. Glucose can be converted into...........and stored. It can later be turned back into glucose and used in respiration
5. In order for the photosynthesis to take place energy in the form required
6. Name the green structures found in mesophyll cells that contain chlorophyll
7. Photosynthesis takes place mainly in the leaves, although it can occur in any cells than contain
8. Plants respire all the time but only photosynthesise during
9. The cells in the............contain no chloroplasts and are transparent to allow light to penetrate into the leaf
10. The green chemical required for photosynthesis is
11. The plural of stoma is
12. The stomata are found in the.............; besides the guard cells the cells in this layer contain no chloroplasts.
13. The.................cells are packed tightly together near the top of the leaf to collect as much sunlight as possible. They contain many chloroplasts and most photosynthesis takes place in these cells.
14. to regulate the movement of gases into and out of the leaf. They also help to control the loss of water vapour (transpiration).
15. The..............cells contain air spaces to allow the movement of gases (i.e. carbon dioxide and oxygen) throughout the leaf.
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