MCQ quiz on Mineral nutrition multiple choice questions and answers on Mineral nutrition MCQ questions quiz on Mineral nutrition objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. According to mass flow principle what is responsible for absorption of water ?
2. By which nitrite is converted into nitrate ?
3. By which principle, indirect storage of stable and non-diffusible ions is explained ?
4. Deficiency of which element kills terminal buds leaving a rosette effect on the plant ?
5. Deficiency of which element shows stunted growth ?
6. Deficiency of which mineral causes shortening of internodes and reduction in cambium activity ?
7. Donnan equillibrium is achieved at which surface ?
8. Due to natural lightening
9. Due to which element deficiency bark of tree becomes rough and gets split and exudes gum-like secretion ?
10. Due to which type of bacteria atmospheric N2 is maintained ?
11. Formation of FAD during N2 fixation occurs during which processes ?
12. Formation of NO2 and NO3 from NH3 is indentified by which name ?
13. In the first phase of absorption of mineral ions from soil to root, element passes through which plant?
14. In which form Phosphorous is absorbed from soil ?
15. Of the following, S is essential for best production of which crop ?
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