The Fundamental Unit of Life MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of The Fundamental Unit of Life MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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MCQ quiz on The Fundamental Unit of Life Class 9 Science multiple choice questions and answers on The Fundamental Unit of Life MCQ questions on The Fundamental Unit of Life objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

The Fundamental Unit of Life Questions with Answers

1. A cell loses water by osmosis when kept in a solution having a lower concentration of water than the cell. The given solution is

2. A plant cell placed in a hypo-tonic solution will not burst because of presence of

3. Amoeba acquires its food by the process of

4. An organism has poorly defined nuclear membrane in its cells. This organism could be a/an

5. Besides nucleus, DNA is also present in

6. Cell theory was proposed by

7. Cell wall is absent in

8. Cell wall of plants is mainly composed of

9. Chemical nature of carrier molecules facilitating transport across plasma membrane is:

10. Chromosomes are composed of

11. ER remains associated with

12. Find the best definition of vacuole ?

13. Find the correct statement:

14. Identify the organelle that exists only in plant cell but NOT in an animal cell?

15. If the ribosome of a cell are destroyed then


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on The Fundamental Unit of Life

The Fundamental Unit of Life Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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