MCQ quiz on Behavioral Science multiple choice questions and answers on Behavioral Science MCQ questions quiz on Behavioral Science objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. By the age of .........., mental powers are fully developed
2. After the age of ........ there is sharp decline in the ability to learn
3. General assembly of UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the year
4. Adolescence is a period between
5. The basic personality traits of an individual is established by the age of ........
6. The curve of learning reaches its peak during .......... years of age
7. A habit is doing things in an .............. way
8. ARSH is related with
9. Period of childhood terminates with the onset of ................
10. .............. is a basic emotion of man
11. Unmet need is the reason for
12. .................. is a social process in which persons or groups try to attain their goal by causing harm to each other
13. ................... is the struggle for a goal which all cannot share
14. .................. is a slow and gradual Social Process
15. Observation involves
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