31. In India, the GST Council has come out with a four-rate structure. They are?
32. Article …………………….. of constitution of India empowers parliament to impose IGST in India.
33. Which article of constitution of India empowers the Parliament to impose IGST in India?
34. GST is ……………………………..
35. Deemed registration is
36. Who is the chairman of GST committee of state finance ministers?
37. Dual model of GST as adopted in India has been drawn majorly from
38. GSTN comes under which Act?
39. Which state became the first state of India to ratify GST bill?
40. Zero rated supply includes supplies made
41. The concept of Goods and Services Tax (GST) is originated in
42. India has chosen ................... model of dual-GST?
43. Which of the following require themselves to be registered compulsory, irrespective of threshold limit?
44. What is CGST?
45. The tax IGST charged by ................... Government
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