46. Lymph nodes receiving lymphatics from testis are
47. Muscle derived from 2nd arch of mesoderm is
48. Nerve carrying secretomotor fibres for parotid gland is
49. Nerve carrying sense of taste from circumvallate papillae is
50. Nerve piercing and lying on psoas major is
51. Nerve responsible for fine movements of hand is
52. Nerve supply of pyramidalis muscle is
53. Nerve supplying the skin over the mandible is
54. Only abductor of vocal cords is
55. Pharyngotypanic tube connects the middle ear cavity with
56. Posterior cord of brachial plexus gives following branches EXCEPT
57. Pulsations of the femoral artery can be felt at
58. Red blood cells are
59. Second part of duodenum is developed from
60. Sensory nerve for larynx above the level of vocal cord is
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