Behavioral Science MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Behavioral Science MCQs questions answers

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MCQ quiz on Behavioral Science multiple choice questions and answers on Behavioral Science MCQ questions quiz on Behavioral Science objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

Behavioral Science Questions with Answers

1. By the age of .........., mental powers are fully developed

2. After the age of ........ there is sharp decline in the ability to learn

3. General assembly of UN adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in the year

4. Adolescence is a period between

5. The basic personality traits of an individual is established by the age of ........

6. The curve of learning reaches its peak during .......... years of age

7. A habit is doing things in an .............. way

8. ARSH is related with

9. Period of childhood terminates with the onset of ................

10. .............. is a basic emotion of man

11. Unmet need is the reason for

12. .................. is a social process in which persons or groups try to attain their goal by causing harm to each other

13. ................... is the struggle for a goal which all cannot share

14. .................. is a slow and gradual Social Process

15. Observation involves

16. .............. coined the term Sociology

17. Non-participant style of leadership

18. In Maslows need theory .................... is the need at the top of the cone

19. Membership in a Caste in the Society is obtained

20. The concept of Introvert..Extrovert was coined by

21. Anatomical basis of thinking is ..................

22. Perceiving,knowing,reasoning and remembering constitutes ..........

23. Mental retardation is due to

24. a social stratum

25. ............... is the basic unit in all societies

26. Repression means ................ way of forgetting

27. .............. Refers to the criminal offences by children and youth, which if committed by adult would have been punished under law

28. Alcohol addiction is a

29. .............. is a stimulus which arise from within the body

30. Values are learned from ........

31. the basic social organization of the community

32. An example of primary group is

33. Important source of Social support for an individual is from

34. In the patriarchal families , the status of .................... is regarded as superior

35. ............. is a physical response

36. Defence mechanisms are ..........

37. Counseling is ................... process

38. Habits are acquired through

39. Social interaction converts the biological organism into .............. being

40. .............. work on pleasure principle

41. an error of perception

42. .......... is thinking in the absence of original sensory stimuli

43. Highest form of thinking is ..............

44. Highest stage in human learning is ..........

45. ............ is not a disorder of perception

46. .......... is a disorder of perception in which the individual is unable to recognize

47. ......... is an imaginary perception

48. Unit of study of Psychology is ................

49. Unit of study of Sociology is ................

50. Leader has .......... over the group


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Behavioral Science

Behavioral Science Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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