Disaster Management Questions and Answers in Quiz Form 14 for Practice

Here is the list of Disaster Management multiple choice questions and answers in quiz form and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Disaster Management Questions with Answers

196. According to the World Bank, during the period 1996 to 2000, the approximate percentage loss of gross domestic produce due to disasters was?

197. Which of the following statements is false?

198. According to U. N. O. there were about............disasters per year between 1992 - 2000 in the world?

199. Which of the following waves is the slowest

200. According to World Bank Estimate, direct losses from natural disasters are upto percent of GDP?

201. Which one is a major environmental and safety hazard for the people in hilly areas in Tripura which can be considered as “cancer of hill slopes”

202. According to World Disasters Report of 2010, during 2000-09, 85% of affected people belonged to the?

203. Which one of the following is NOT re commended during Lightening or thunderstorm?

204. Amateur Radio is also known as?

205. Which techniques are used for prediction of early warning of eruption?

206. An enormous amount of energy is released during an earthquake as seismic waves which are of

207. Which virus is responsible for AIDS

208. An essential to the sanitary maintenance of latrines is

209. Which volcanic belt is commonly called “Ring of Fire”?

210. An extreme natural phenomenon capable of causing disaster leading to loss of lives or damage to property is known as


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Disaster Management

Disaster Management Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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