Current Electricity Quiz | Current Electricity Online Test for Practice

Here is the list of Current Electricity quiz questions and answers available online test and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Current Electricity Questions with Answers

31. The resistivity of alloy manganin is

32. The smallest resistance that can be obtained by the combination of n resistors each resistance r is :

33. The specific resistance of a rod of copper as compared to that of thin wire of copper is :

34. Two conductors of equal length and radii the ratio of 2 : 3 are; connected in parallel the source of electricity. The ratio of the velocity of electrons in the conductor be :

35. Two equal resistors are connected in series across a battery and consume a power of P. If these are connected in parallel, then the power consumed will be:

36. Two wires of the same material are given. The first wire is twice as long as the second and has twice the diameter of the second. The resistance of the first will be

37. When a metal conductor connected to left gap of a meter bridge is heated, the balancing point

38. Which of the following has a negative temperature coefficient of resistance ?


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