Database Management System - DBMS Objective Questions Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Database Management System - DBMS objective questions and answers available in mcq quiz online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

Database Management System - DBMS Questions with Answers

76. What SQL structure is used to limit column values of a table?

77. A ................. normal form, normalization will be needed where all attributes in a relation tuple are not functionally dependent only on the key attribute.

78. A .................normal form, normalization will be needed where all attributes in a relation are not functionally dependent only on the key attribute.

79. In the ..........normal form, a composite attribute is converted to individual attributes.

80. In the.......... Normal form, a composite attribute is converted to individual attributes.

81. Which one is based on multi-valued dependency:

82. In decomposition technique of splitting a relation into ……………… relation:

83. ………………… is preferred method for enforcing data integrity

84. Which are the dependencies types:

85. The number of entities associated in relationship is called as its.....................

86. A relation is considered a:

87. Identify the criteria for designing database from the point of view of user

88. Identify the criteria for designing database from the point of view of user

89. The ........... operator preserves unmatched rows of the relations being joine

90. The DML is called:


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