16. what did Mrs Pumphrey bring at first?
17. What did Mrs Pumphrey think her dog is suffering from?
18. What did the doctor advise?
19. What did the doctor give Tricki at his clinic?
20. What did the dogs know about food?
21. What does the narrator refer to Tricki as, in the group of other dogs?
22. What is the meaning of distraught?
23. What is the meaning of the word convalescing?
24. What is the meaning of the word scrimmage?
25. What made the narrator call Mrs Pumphrey after a fortnight?
26. What problem does Mrs Pumphrey think Tricki has?
27. What was best according to the vet?
28. What was the name of Mrs Pumphrey's dog?
29. What was Tricki's main fault?
30. Where did Mr Herriot take Tricki?
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