English Literature MCQs Questions Answers for Practice

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Dive into the rich tapestry of English literature with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers. Whether you're a student studying literature, a literature enthusiast, or simply intrigued by the classics, our meticulously curated selection covers a wide range of topics. Explore the works of renowned authors, delve into literary periods and movements, analyze themes, characters, and plot structures across various genres. With our user-friendly interface and detailed explanations, mastering the intricacies of English literature has never been more engaging and accessible. Start your journey towards understanding the depth and beauty of English literary tradition today!

English Literature Questions with Answers

1. Who is praised as a hero by Carlyle in his lecture on the Hero as King?

2. Who is Thomas Percy in Henry IV, Pt I?

3. Who wrote the poem Defence of Lucknow?

4. Who, among the following writers, was not educated at Christs Hospital School, London?

5. Who, among the following, is not connected with the Oxford Movement?

6. Who, among the following, is not the second generation of British Romantics?

7. A verse form using stanza of eight lines, each with eleven syllables, is known as?

8. Carlyles work On Heroes, HeroWorship and the Heroic in History is a course of?

9. Estella is the daughter of?

10. Graham Greenes novels are marked by?

11. Hamlets famous speech To be,or not to be; that is the question occurs in?

12. Identify the character in The Tempest who is referred to as an honest old counselor

13. Identify the character who is a supporter of Womens Rights in Sons and Lovers?

14. Identify the poet, whom Queen Victoria, regarded as the perfect poet of love and loss—

15. Identify the rhetorical figure used in the following line of Tennyson Faith un-faithful kept him falsely true.


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