Footprints Without Feet MCQ Questions Answers Class 10 Online Test for Practice

Footprints Without Feet MCQ questions online test mcq of Footprints Without Feet Book Chapter 5 multiple choice questions answers class 10 English poem mcqs quiz pdf

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MCQ quiz on Footprints Without Feet multiple choice questions and answers on Footprints Without Feet MCQ questions on Footprints Without Feet Book Chapter 5 for Class 10 English CBSE NCERT objectives questions with answer online test mcqs pdf for exams preparations.

Footprints Without Feet Questions with Answers

1. The two boys started in surprise at the fresh muddy imprints of a pair of ?

2. Mrs. Hall got hurt in her leg. He hurt because of moving ..................of the room.

3. What did he do for revenge?

4. How did Griffin finally escape?

5. How did he justify his disinterest in having a conversation with Mrs. Hall?

6. Griffin was a lawless man as he once

7. Mrs. Hall got angry by seeing the door of the .................. open.

8. Where was the theatrical company shop situated?

9. Griffin decided to try the stock of a theatrical company in the hope getting some cloth to hide his

10. What did he take from there?

11. Griffin's body became as transparent as

12. What is being referred to as the strange incident that happened in the study?

13. The name of the scientist was

14. Why was Mrs Hall prepared and ready to tolerate strange habits and irritable temper?

15. Why does Mrs Hall find the scientist eccentric?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Footprints Without Feet

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