MCQ quiz on The Road Not Taken multiple choice questions and answers on The Road Not Taken MCQ questions on The Road Not Taken Class 9 Chapter 1 English Beehive Poems Book CBSE objectives questions with answer online test mcqs pdf for exam preparations.
1. According to the poet both paths were looking similar in that
2. Choice of road signifies
3. Here the road symbolizes the road of
4. How many choice of roads were there
5. Poets long stare at the path signifies
6. Sigh means
7. The colour of the wood was
8. The dilemma of the poet is ?
9. The name of the poet of this poem is
10. The poet able to travel one road only
11. The poet find himself?
12. The poet took the other path as it was fall of
13. The yellow wood symbolizes the people of
14. What depends on the choice of today
15. What do the words Long I stood mean in the poem?
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