Rain on The Roof MCQ Questions Answers Class 9 Online Test$ for Practice

Rain on The Roof MCQ questions online test mcq of Rain on The Roof multiple choice questions answers class 9 Chapter 3 Beehive English poem mcqs quiz pdf download

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MCQ quiz on Rain on The Roof multiple choice questions and answers on Rain on The Roof MCQ questions on Rain on The Roof Class 9 Chapter 3 English Beehive Poems Book CBSE objectives questions with answer online test mcqs pdf for exam preparations.

Rain on The Roof Questions with Answers

1. "And a thousand dreamy fancies"- What creates these dreamy fancies?

2. "As I list to this refrain"- What is being referred to as refrain?

3. "As I listen to the patter"- Patter of what?

4. "As she used in years agone"- Who is she?

5. "Dreamy fancies" denotes

6. "Ere she left them till the dawn"- Who left?

7. "Every tinkle on the shingles"- What does this mean?

8. "Gently weeps in rainy tears"- What does this phrase mean?

9. "Has an echo in the heart"- Whose heart?

10. "Into busy being start"- What/Who is referred to as "busy being" here?

11. "O! I feel her fond look on me"- Whose look?

12. "Which is played upon the shingles"- What is been played upon the shingles?

13. Approximately how many memories of the past hits the poet's mind while listening to the sound of rain?

14. Choose a word from the poem that indicates the time of the day

15. Choose the antonym of condemnation from the below words taken from the poem


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Rain on The Roof

Rain on The Roof Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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