The Fun They Had MCQ Questions Answers Class 9 Online Test for Practice

The Fun They Had MCQ questions online test mcq of The Fun They Had multiple choice questions answers class 9 first Beehive Prose Book English mcqs quiz pdf

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MCQ quiz on The Fun They Had multiple choice questions and answers on The Fun They Had MCQ questions on The Fun They Had Beehive Prose Book for Class 9 Chapter 1 English CBSE NCERT objectives questions with answer online test mcqs pdf for exams preparations.

The Fun They Had Questions with Answers

1. On which date did Margie make an entry in her diary about schools?

2. Which year has the story been set in?

3. Century means

4. How long (approx.) did the inspector take to fix the mechanical teacher?

5. What did Tommy and Margie mean by a regular teacher

6. Select the title of the story of Tommy and Margie

7. What did Margie write about in her diary?

8. What is a telebook?

9. What did Tommy find?

10. Margie's mother shaken her head sorrowfully :

11. Why did Margie hate school?

12. The County Inspector had a

13. What is a Virtual Classroom?

14. Who are Margie and Tommy?

15. The section of which subject was completely deleted from Tommy's computer?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on The Fun They Had

The Fun They Had Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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