Silicon Controlled Rectifier - SCR MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Silicon Controlled Rectifier - SCR MCQs questions answers

Test Your Skills in Silicon Controlled Rectifier - SCR Quiz Online

Dive into the world of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs) with our comprehensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers. Whether you're a student studying electronics engineering, an engineer working with power electronics, or simply intrigued by semiconductor devices, our meticulously curated selection covers a wide range of topics. Explore fundamental concepts such as SCR structure, operation principles, triggering methods, and practical applications in power control circuits, motor drives, and voltage regulation. With our user-friendly interface and detailed explanations, mastering the intricacies of SCRs has never been more engaging and accessible. Start your journey towards understanding this essential component in modern electronics today!

Silicon Controlled Rectifier - SCR Questions with Answers

1. An SCR combines the features of …………..

2. If the gate voltage of an SCR is removed, then the

3. An SCR is turned off when …………..

4. An SCR is turned off when

5. An SCR can be used

6. In the normal operation of an SCR, anode is …………… w.r.t. cathode

7. With gate open, the maximum anode current at which SCR is turned off from ON condition is called

8. The normal way to turn on a SCR is by ……………..

9. The control element of an SCR is ………….

10. When SCR starts conducting, which loses all control?

11. An SCR has three terminals viz ……………

12. In an SCR circuit, the angle of conduction can be changed by ……….

13. In an SCR circuit, the angle of conduction can be changed by

14. In an SCR circuit the supply voltage is generally ……….. that of breakover voltage

15. In an SCR circuit, the supply voltage is generally ......... that of breakover voltage

16. When SCR is OFF, the current in the circuit is …………….

17. When SCR starts conducting, then …………… loses all control

18. An SCR is made of ………….

19. If gate current is increased, then anode-cathode voltage at which SCR closes …………….

20. If gate current is increased, then anode-cathode voltage at which SCR turns ON

21. An SCR is made of silicon and not germanium because silicon ………

22. In normal operation of an SCR, gate is ………..w.r.t. cathode

23. An SCR can exercise control over ………. of a.c. supply

24. In AC supply, an SCR can exercise control over

25. A single phase ac - dc converter is also known as

26. An SCR is turned off by …………….

27. If firing angle in an SCR circuit is increased, the output …………

28. If firing angle is increased, then the output of an SCR

29. An SCR is sometimes called …………

30. An SCR is a solid state equivalent of …………….

31. An SCR has …………….. pn junctions

32. An SCR has ………….. semiconductor layers

33. We can control a.c. power in a load by connecting …………

34. AC power in a load can be controlled by connecting

35. An SCR behaves as a ……………. switch

36. An SCR is a ……………….. triggered device

37. An SCR is a ...... triggered device

38. When an SCR is turned on, the voltage across it is about ……….

39. When an SCR is turned on, the voltage across it is about ..........


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Silicon Controlled Rectifier - SCR

Silicon Controlled Rectifier - SCR Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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