DC Generator Trivia Quizzes for Practice

Here is the list of DC Generator quizzes trivia questions available online in quiz and pdf download format to practice for exams.

DC Generator Questions with Answers

61. Eddy currents are induced in the pole shoes of a D.C. machine due to

62. In a D.C. generator the number of mechanical degrees and electrical degrees will be the same when

63. A D.C. generator can be considered as

64. The armature of D.C. generator is laminated to

65. The demagnetising component of armature reaction in a D.C. generator

66. If a self excited D.C. generator after being installed, fails to build up on its first trial run, the first thing to do is to

67. Shunt generators are most suited for stable parallel operation because of their

68. In D.C. generators the pole shoes are fastened to the pole core by

69. In any rotating machine that part which houses the conductors and in which e.m.f.induced is to be utilised is called

70. In case of a 4-pole D.C. generator provided with a two layer lap winding with sixteen coils, the pole pitch will be

71. The essential condition for parallel operation of two D.C. generators is that they have

72. Which of the following generating machine will offer constant voltage on all loads ?

73. An exciter for a turbo generator is a

74. Following energized winding of a D.C. machine should not be opened as it wouldproduce high inductive voltage which may be dangerous to personnel and may cause itsown insulation failure.

75. Following D.C. generator will be in a position to build up without any residualmagnetism in the poles


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on DC Generator

DC Generator Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

DC Generator Trivia Quiz

DC Generator Question and Answer PDF Online

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