16. During adiabatic process
17. During compression process which parameter will change?
18. For earth moving machines, widely used engines are:
19. Function of piston rings is
20. If xl and x2 are the dryness fractions obtained in separating calorimeter and throttling calorimeter respectively, then actual dryness fraction of steam is
21. In a IC engine from which of the following source energy is converted into mechanical energy
22. In a simple gear train having two gears, if driving gear rotates in clockwise direction then driven gear rotates in
23. In a two stroke cycle engine, one cycle is completed in the following number of revolutions of the crank shaft
24. In diesel cycle, heat is added at
25. In Following which is the power producing device?
26. In multi stage compression as compared to single stage compression the volumetric efficiency is
27. In S.I. unit for the force is.
28. In the Polytropic Process PVn= C, if n = infinity , the process is called
29. Main disadvantage of nuclear energy is
30. Natural fuel is
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