Theory of Machines MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Theory of Machines MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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Theory of Machines Questions with Answers

1. an inversion of Double slider crank chain

2. A ball and a socket forms a

3. A fixed gear having 200 teeth is in mesh with another gear having 50 teeth. The two gears are connected by an arm. The number of turns made by the smaller gear for one revolution of arm about the centre of bigger gear is

4. A higher pair has

5. A pulley and belt in a belt drive form a

6. A rigid body possesses ............. degrees of freedom

7. Hammer blow

8. In a ball bearing, ball and bearing forms a

9. In a hydrodynamic journal bearing, there is

10. In a system subjected to damped forced vibrations, the ratio of maximum displacement to the static deflection is known as

11. In which of the following type of gear train the first gear and the last gear are co-axial

12. Length of arc of contact is given by

13. Minimum number of teeth for involute rack and pinion arrangement for pressure angle of 20 degree is

14. Module of a gear is

15. Oldhams coupling is an inversion of the kinematic chain used in


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