MCQ quiz on Hydraulic Machines multiple choice questions and answers on Hydraulic Machines MCQ questions on Hydraulic Machines objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.
1. Maximum impulse will be developed in hydraulic ram when
2. A hydraulic accumulator normally consists of
3. A hydraulic intensifier normally consists of
4. In reaction turbine, draft tube is used
5. The efficiency of a centrifugal pump is maximum when its blades are
6. In centrifugal pumps, maximum efficiency is obtained when the blades are
7. Motion of a liquid in a volute casing of a centrifugal pump is an example of
8. Air vessels in reciprocating pump are used to
9. If a pump is handling water and is discharging a certain flow Q at a constant total dynamic head requiring a definite B.H.P., the same pump when handling a liquid of specific gravity 0.75 and viscosity nearly same as of water would discharge
10. The horse power required in above case will be
11. In a reciprocating pump, air vessels are used to
12. In a centrifugal pump casing, the flow of water leaving the impeller, is
13. Pressure intensifier increases the pressure in proportion to
14. In axial flow fans and turbines, fluid enters and leaves as follows
15. In a centrifugal pump casing, the flow of water leaving the
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