Brick Masonry MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Brick Masonry MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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MCQ quiz on Brick Masonry multiple choice questions and answers on Brick Masonry MCQ questions on Brick Masonry objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

Brick Masonry Questions with Answers

1. Brick laid on its end so that its longest dimension is vertical is known as what?

2. Brick that is laid on its face or edge is known as what?

3. Brick windowsills are usually laid with what brick style?

4. Flat metal straps or hooks used to join brick with wood or block structures are known as what?

5. Red metal angle iron is usually used to hold brick in what position?

6. Removable forms are often used to create what type of brickwork?

7. Speed polls can be used to help in what type of brickwork?

8. To Rake mortar joints, what tool should be used?

9. What device is used to hold a string line in place to lay a running course of brick?

10. What is the term fro the drainage slots, placed in various locations, on the bottom course of brick?

11. What substance is usually used to fine clean mortar off of brickwork?

12. When laying lead bricks on the corner or ends of walls, they should be what?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Brick Masonry

Brick Masonry Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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