Plate Tectonics MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Test Your Skills in Plate Tectonics Quiz Online

Embark on a journey through the dynamic world beneath our feet with our extensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers on Plate Tectonics. Explore the fascinating science behind the movement of Earth's lithosphere plates, from the theory of continental drift to the mechanisms driving plate motion. Test your understanding of plate boundaries, seismic activity, and the formation of geological features such as mountains, volcanoes, and rift valleys. Our quizzes cover a wide array of topics, including subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges, and the evidence supporting the theory of plate tectonics. Whether you're a student of geology, geography, or simply curious about the forces shaping our planet, our quizzes offer a comprehensive exploration of Plate Tectonics MCQs. Join us as we uncover the secrets of Earth's ever-changing crust and gain insight into the fundamental processes driving geological evolution.

Plate Tectonics Questions with Answers

1. A boundary where plates move away from each other is called:

2. A deep crack in the earths surface is called a:

3. A stationary source of magma located away from a plate boundary

4. An example of a transform/shear/sliding boundary is a:

5. Earthquakes occur at this boundary

6. Hot magma ......... and cool magma ............

7. How do the plates move at a transform boundary?

8. Large pieces of the lithosphere that float on the asthenosphere are called:

9. Most earthquakes happen along the

10. Mountains form at this boundary as plates push together

11. Plates continually move a little bit each year

12. Plates move on the surface of the Earth because of

13. Tectonics plates float on the .................

14. The in the asthenosphere is described as a giant conveyor belt.

15. The 12,000 mile long chain of underwater mountains that formed at a divergent boundary is

16. The border between two tectonic plates

17. The boundary where two plates come together

18. The boundary where two plates pull apart

19. The boundary where two plates slide past each other

20. The evidence that rocks closer to mid ocean ridges are younger than rocks farther away supports the theory of:

21. The giant landmass where all continents were connected

22. The Hawaiian Islands are an example

23. The layer that supports and moves the tectonic plates is

24. The lithosphere is part of the

25. The oldest crust (rocks) are found ................. the mid-ocean ridge.

26. The partly-melted lower mantle is called:

27. The process of one plate sliding under another plate at a convergent boundary is

28. The theory of plate tectonics combine which two other theories?

29. The youngest crust( rocks) are found ................. the mid-ocean ridge.

30. This process makes new crust at the bottom of the ocean at a divergent boundary

31. This process of old crust being pulled down and remelted is called:

32. Volcanoes form at this boundary as plates pull apart

33. What evidence did Wegener have for his theory of continental drift?

34. What evidences do scientists use to support the continental drift theory?

35. What kind of plate boundary causes old and heavy crust ( rocks ) to sink into the mantle ( subduction)?

36. What kind of plate boundary causes sea floor spreading like the one causing the Atlantic Ocean to widen?

37. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of a fault line like the San Andreas fault in California?

38. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of a mountain range like the Himalayas and the Appalachian mountains?

39. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of a trench like the Marianas trench?

40. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of an Island arc?

41. What kind of plate boundary results to the formation of most volcanoes?

42. What material forms new ocean floor?

43. Where does sea floor spreading happen?

44. Where is old crust melted back into magma?

45. Which of the following is not a TYPE of plate boundary?

46. Who came up with the theory of sea floor spreading?

47. Why is a divergent boundary also called a constructive boundary?

48. Why is Earth not growing in spite of sea floor spreading?

49. Why was Wegeners theory forgotten?


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Plate Tectonics

Plate Tectonics Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

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