16. Low specific speed of turbine implies it is
17. Medium specific speea of turbine implies it is
18. High specific speed of turbine implies it is
19. The specific speed of turbine is defined as the speed of a unit
20. Any change in load is adjusted by adjusting following parameter on turbine
21. Francis turbine is best suited for
22. An impulse turbine is used for
23. Reaction turbines are used for
24. Guide angle as per the aerofoil theory of Kaplan turbine blade design is defined as the angle between
25. A turbine is a device which converts
26. Centrifugal pump is started with its delivery valve
27. Axial flow pump is started with its delivery valve
28. A centrifugal pump is superior to a reciprocating pump because
29. Which place in hydraulic turbine is most susceptible for cavitation
30. The flow rate in gear pump
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