Cyclones and Anticyclones MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Test Your Skills in Cyclones and Anticyclones Quiz Online

Dive into the dynamic world of weather systems with our collection of multiple-choice trivia questions and answers on cyclones and anticyclones. Explore the intricate workings of these atmospheric phenomena, from the swirling winds of tropical cyclones to the calm centers of high-pressure anticyclones. Test your knowledge of meteorology as you learn about the formation, characteristics, and impacts of cyclones and anticyclones across the globe. Whether you're a weather enthusiast, a student studying atmospheric science, or simply intrigued by the forces shaping our climate, our MCQ trivia quizzes provide an engaging and informative experience. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of cyclones and anticyclones and gain a deeper understanding of the complex interactions driving Earth's weather patterns.

Cyclones and Anticyclones Questions with Answers

1. Which one among the following statement relating to anticyclone is correct

2. Cyclonic rainfall largely occurs in

3. Hurricane are generally

4. Temperate cyclone bring alone with them

5. The angular speed of a whirlwind in q tornado towards the center

6. The cyclone represents a state of atmosphere in which

7. The cyclones of temperate latitudes differ from those of the tropics in a number of ways. Which one of the following is most prominent of them all

8. The general weather associated with anticyclone is

9. The tropical cyclone do not occurs close to the equator because of

10. The tropical cyclone of the bay of Bengal are called

11. What happens to the water depth as the Tsunami wave approach the cost

12. Which one of the following is the name of the very violent and serious types of winds which bring lots of disasters

13. Which one of the following statement is correct

14. Who introduced the term anticyclone for the first time


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Cyclones and Anticyclones

Cyclones and Anticyclones Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Cyclones and Anticyclones Trivia Quiz

Cyclones and Anticyclones Question and Answer PDF Online

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