Meteorology MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

Test Your Skills in Meteorology Quiz Online

Dive deep into the captivating world of meteorology with our extensive collection of multiple-choice questions and answers! Explore the dynamic forces shaping our atmosphere, from weather patterns and atmospheric phenomena to climate change and forecasting techniques. Whether you're a seasoned meteorologist, a student of Earth sciences, or simply curious about the mysteries of weather, our Meteorology MCQs page offers an engaging and educational experience. Test your knowledge, broaden your understanding, and discover the wonders of the atmosphere with our carefully crafted quizzes. Visit now to embark on an exciting journey through the realm of meteorology!

Meteorology Questions with Answers

1. A cT air mass is:

2. A cumulus cloud is recognized mainly by its

3. A parcel of air has a temperature of 0OC as it crosses a mountain range at 3000 meters. If it descends, what will its temperature be when it reaches sea level?

4. A stable atmosphere is one in which

5. A tornado is a small, very intense example of the

6. A warm front is said to exist when

7. Adiabatic processes are only important for air

8. After a cold front passes, which of these does not usually occur?

9. An adiabatic process is one in which the

10. An air mass from the Gulf of Mexico is called:

11. An air mass is a body of air with

12. An air mass is often modified as it moves over the earths surface. This modification is largely due to

13. An mP air mass is:

14. Another common term for the wave cyclone is:

15. Anvil head is a term applied to:

16. Characteristics of an air mass source region include

17. Cloud seeding with silver iodide is based on the

18. Clouds and precipitation form in the air primarily due to

19. Clouds are classified and named according to their altitude and

20. Compared to other types of fronts, the weather associated with a cold front usually

21. Deserts such as the Great Basin, Gobi, and Takla Makan are examples of:

22. Downdrafts and updrafts found side by side relate to the development of a thunderstorm.

23. Downdrafts totally dominate the development of a thunderstorm.

24. During which of the time spans listed below should hurricane formation in the North Atlantic be at a peak?

25. Freezing rain (ice storm) or sleet occurs when

26. Heat lightning:

27. Hurricanes and midlatitude cyclones are similar in that:

28. Hurricanes generally are:

29. Hygroscopoic nuclei may be formed from

30. Inside of a cloud, how do the air temperature and the dew point compare to one another?

31. On a weather map,..................fronts are shown with triangular points on one side of the front and semicircles on the other.

32. Over the last 20 years, which of these has caused the fewest weather related deaths in the U.S.?

33. Since detection and tracking of hurricanes is now quite accurate, why does damage from these storms continue to increase?

34. The air mass type most likely to form thunderstorms is

35. The air masses that have the greatest influence on weather conditions in the Midwestern United States are:

36. The approximate lifetime of a wave cyclone is

37. The buoyancy of a rising air parcel is greatly affected by

38. The cloud droplets in a cloud are formed by water vapor molecules and

39. The development of major winter storms in the midwest depends strongly on

40. The formation of tornadoes is associated with:

41. The gust front occurs

42. The heat released when water vapor condenses to form a cloud or when liquid droplets freeze in a cloud

43. The important difference between liquid droplets and ice crystals in a supercooled cloud is that ice crystals

44. The initial detection and monitoring of tropical storms that may become hurricanes is accomplished by

45. The lifting of air and the resulting formation of clouds and rain is more gentle (gradual) for a

46. The most common way for air to be cooled in order that a cloud may form is by

47. The most important process of cloud formation in the atmosphere is:

48. The process by which a cloud droplet first forms is

49. The stability of an air layer refers to its

50. The terms leader, flash, and stroke are used when describing:


Multiple Choice Questions and Answers on Meteorology

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