Ethiopian History MCQ Questions and Answers for Practice

Here is the list of Ethiopian History MCQ questions and answers available online and pdf download format to practice for exams.

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Ethiopian History MCQ Questions Answers

Ethiopian History Questions with Answers

1. Who was the first emperor of Ethiopia?

2. When did Haile Selassie become Emperor of Ethiopia?

3. What is the Ethiopian dish made of fermented flatbread and stews called?

4. What was the ancient Ethiopian currency called?

5. Which Ethiopian city is known for its rock-hewn churches?

6. Which religion became prominent in Axum during the 4th century?

7. Who was the founder of the Solomonic dynasty?

8. When did Ethiopia officially adopt Christianity?

9. What was the Derg regime in Ethiopian history?

10. Which country invaded Ethiopia in 1935?

11. Who is regarded as the last emperor of Ethiopia?

12. Which Ethiopian landmark is inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage site?

13. Which ancient kingdom is considered the precursor to modern Ethiopia?

14. What is the ancient Ethiopian text that records its history and traditions?

15. When did Ethiopia officially abolish its monarchy?


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