Explore the transformative era of "The Rise of Nationalism in Europe" with our curated collection of trivia questions and answers. Whether you're a history enthusiast, a student delving into European history, or simply intrigued by the forces that shaped modern nations, our repository offers a wealth of insights. Delve into topics such as the rise of nation-states, the impact of revolutionary movements, and the role of key figures like Otto von Bismarck and Giuseppe Garibaldi. Each trivia question is meticulously crafted to test your knowledge and understanding of this pivotal period in European history. From the cultural movements that fostered national identity to the political upheavals that reshaped the continent, our trivia provides a captivating glimpse into the rise of nationalism and its lasting effects.
1. A nation-state , according to the French philosopher, Ernst Renan, was formed by
2. Frederic Sorrieu, a French artist in his series of four prints (1948) visualized his dream of a world as :
3. German philosopher, Johann Gottfried clamined that true German culture was to be discovered among the:
4. Giuseppe Mazzini was
5. In politics liberalism emphasized
6. Liberalism meant to the new middle classes
7. Liberal-nationalits mainly belong to which class?
8. Name one kind of revolt that started in Europe in 1848.
9. Name the Italian revolutionary from Genoa.
10. Nationalism brought about in Europe the emergence of:
11. Socially and politically dominant class in Europe during mid-eighteenth century was
12. The Civil code of Na polean established :
13. The first clear expression of Nationalism in Europe came with:
14. The ideas of a United community enjoying equal rights under a constitution were expressed by the French as:
15. The meaning of Volksgeist:
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