MCQ quiz on NATO Alliance multiple choice questions and answers on NATO Alliance MCQ questions quiz on NATO Council objectives questions with answer test pdf. Professionals, Teachers, Students and Kids Trivia Quizzes to test your knowledge on the subject.
1. When was NATO founded?
2. Another important NATO mission has been leading the Kosovo Force (KFOR) to maintain peace and stability in Kosovo. When did this mission begin?
3. How did the first secretary-general of Nato memorably describe NATO mission?
4. How many countries are members of NATO?
5. In 2011, during a wave of uprisings in Arab countries, NATO intervened in which country?
6. Nations of Europe struggled to rebuild their economies and ensure their security after which war?
7. NATO countries have endorsed a goal of spending what percentage of their total economies on defense?
8. One of NATO chief military missions in recent years was leading the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in which country?
9. So far, NATO members have invoked the Article 5 provision on collective defense only once. They did so in response to what?
10. The best-known part of Nato founding treaty, Article 5, deals with what topic?
11. What are the principles of NATO?
12. What country was against the idea of NATO when it first started?
13. What does the acronym NATO stand for?
14. What was created by the Soviet Union in response to NATO?
15. When did NATO invoke Article 5 of North Atlantic Treaty for the first time?
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