American Civil War MCQs Quiz Multiple Choice Questions & Answers

American Civil War MCQs questions answers

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MCQ quiz on American Civil War multiple choice questions and answers on American Civil War MCQ questions on American Civil War objectives questions with answer test pdf for interview preparations, freshers jobs and competitive exams.

American Civil War Questions with Answers

1. .............When did differences regarding slavery begin between the North and the South?

2. ..........What state was the first to secede the Union?

3. ..........What state had land taken away from it from the Compromise of 1850 in exchange to have its debts paid of by the US?

4. ..........Who won the election of 1860?

5. ..........Southern states threatened this if Lincoln was elected.

6. ..........The United States does NOT elect a president based on popular vote. Each state is winner take-all, with each of the states delegates going one way or another. What is the name of this?

7. ..........What is the name of a person who tries to find middle-ground politically?

8. ..........How many candidates for President were there in 1860?

9. ..........What is it called when a President assumes dictatorial powers?

10. ..........What political party was born in Ripon, Wisconsin, about 1850?

11. ..........What border state did Lincoln consider the most important to keep in the Union?

12. ..........Speaking of the Compromise of 1850, where was slavery prohibited?

13. ..........What was the first battle of the war?

14. ..........What is a person called by his followers when he dies for a cause?

15. ..........What controversial man was a hero in the North but a villian in the South in 1858?

16. ..........Where else was slavery prohibited because of the Compromise of 1850?

17. ............What did the Missouri Compromise primarily state?

18. ..........How many southern states broke away from the Union right away, following the election?

19. ..........How many additonal southern states broke away after the President asked State Militias to support the war?

20. ..........What did the Fugitive Act state?

21. ..........What did the Fugitive Act state?

22. ...............Which of the following statements is true?

23. ..........What did the Kansas-Nebraska Act state?

24. ..........How does the map of 1860 compare with the map of 2008 as far as a pattern is concerned?

25. ...............Though the Civil War was going to be a fight about slavery, what was the Souths main reason to secede?


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